Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Anniversary Meme

I am following in Kassies's footsteps. Here is my 20th Diabetes Anniversary Meme.

Twenty pretty cool things that I have done in the twenty years since I was diagnosed with diabetes:
1. Learned to spell my last name.
2. Went to kindergarten.
3. Finished kindergarten and went off to CBC for the first of 11 wonderful summers.
4. Had my first real kiss (at a Joslin dance with a Joslin boy).
5. Learned to play the violin.
6. Became a black belt in Tae Kwon Do and attended the Junior Olympics.
7. Played softball, field hockey, and ice hockey my freshman year of high school.
8. Home schooled myself for my sophmore year of high school/
9. Graduated from high school a year early.
10. Went to UVM
11. Became an EMT and worked as a tech in the ER doing amazingly fun stuff
12. Left UVM because it wasn't the right school for me (that was a hard decision)
13. Started working with children with disabilities (particularly developmental delays).
14. Travelled to Italy (first time out of the country, I went for a class, I was sure I was going to go into DKA or go really low and end up in a foreign hospital)
15. Went to Simmons!!! The greatest place on earth.
16. Got involved in Hall Council, was an Orientation Leader, started grad classes, etc..
17. Started reconecting with old friends.
18.Went to Mexico to volunteer at an orphanage (one of the most amazing experiences of my life)
19. Sang in an opera (should have been up around number 5, I was about 10)
20. Somewhere in the last 4 years, I learned to love myself for who I am. I mean truly value all of me, the great parts, the good parts, and the not so great/I'm working on them parts. Probably the most important thing I've done in the last 20 years.

I love this meme!!


Kassie said...

How happy am I to read all of this.

You rock, Fred!

-Agnes... which is, btw, my actual real middle name, in case you forgot :)

Fred (Nic) said...

I may very well have forgotten that. Can I pretend I made it up? I mean I did convert it from a middle to a first name.